After many years of fundamental research in cooperation with the Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory (Leiden Institute of Physics) the ISM studio proudly presents 'the sound of nanospace'. It's all about levels of magnification and breaking down the wall between analog and digital sound. Quantum hall fx are nothing less than a PARADIGM SHIFT in the perception of time and space.
Hear samples - IR only, no other fx used
von klitzing effect 4.mp3
superconductive plate 4.mp3
quantized timespace 1.mp3
nano resonance 6 var 1.mp3
nano resonance 6 var 2.mp3
phonon blast 7.mp3
phonon choir 1.mp3
phonon choir 6.mp3
phonon choir 9.mp3
Download Impulse Responses
DUBBHISM IR Quantum Hall FX.rar
More impulse responses over here
sample size: 24 bit
sample rate: 44 kHz
audio format: wav
channels: mono
rar archive file size: 27.1 Mb
10 different stereo fx: emergent gate, nano resonance, nano room, phase space, phonon blast, phonon choir, quantized timespace, quantum hall, superconductive plate, von klitzing effect
The theory
As you may know the Leiden Institute of Physics has quite a history when it comes to superconductivity research. After all it was Heike Kamerlingh Onnes who discovered this amazing phenomenon right here in Leiden in 1911. But it was Klaus von Klitzing who discovered the Quantum Hall Effect in 1980.
Basically this effect occurs in nanospace at extremely low temperatures. Under these circumstances the borderline between digital and analog sound breaks down because sound becomes a cloud of tiny individual phonons moving in a certain direction. Just like light can be thought of as a cloud or a beam of photons.
But what's even better: the sonic properties of phonons are very interesting and usefull for dub! For the creation of these impulse responses individual phonons were captured live using scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy. Just listen to the examples and you will have to agree. Quantized analog warmth is a reality!
Update: From the nano lab ~ The Micronium piano
The Year in Computer Science
1 day ago