These 7 dubs (should we call it an album or an EP.. whatever) are released on Split Notes, a relatively new microtonal netlabel. These tracks all have microtonal tunings. You'll notice that the frequencies and the harmonies are unusual, they're actually 'in between' the notes on a piano. Tony Dubshot on the use of microtonal harmony in dub:
"These different harmonies are like using different colors. Because in reggae the harmonies are always a bit like red, gold and green, very pure colors and basic harmonies. But if you change the harmonies in a microtonal way it might be like using terracotta red, khaki yellow and emerald green instead. It's still red, gold and green but it's a different mix and a different effect, like dubbing the harmonies by mixing the colors in a slightly different way. But sometimes when i feel like it i go a bit further away from reggae colors. I might end up with a purple bass or a turquoise keyboard sound."
Tony Dubshot - Omega Dub (Split Notes release) by Tony Dubshot