B%mb%cl%t!! Another great mix this week at Resident Advisor. It's the undeniable Terror Danjah in fine style. See also this recent interview with a classic scene of the man and his computer, creating those big crispy riddims.
Some people listen to cd's or records, some people like to listen to mixes or radio shows. And some (like me) listen to big shuffled playlists on an iPod or WinAmp or something like that.
It’s impossible to have a complete or systematic overview of all different types of FM sounds, but you can have certain categories, for example based on certain types of ratio values (see episode 4).
Grime legend Terror Danjah has a new album titled Undeniable out on Hyperdub. Crispy sounds & superb production all the way, this man truly has golden ears and a truckload of musical skills too. Even if grime isn't your main thing you'll like this one, trussme.
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!! Check out WILDLIFE's version of Galang so, a classic Major Mackerel tune. Posted on Soundcloud already it's out on Discobelle records 22nd of November. Available now the cumbia flavored Douster remix (free dl). Sainted PR didn't quite get the concept of soundcloud sharing yet but still more remixes here.
Make no mistake this is not an ill timed Halloween kinda thing, PupaJim'sVampayaa is a bit more timeless than that. No offense Emch Subatomic but this one is not aimed squarely at your average blood-sucking party freak ;)
In 2011 there will be many more free (creative commons) netlabel releases on Dubbhism, but right now we've secured a distribution deal paving the way for new and unprecedented commercial expansion.