Although i'm no Alan Parsons fan i have to admit he knows how to mix a tune. Art & Science Of Sound Recording is a set of instructional videos covering all things studio. There are 24 video talks (10 hours) available in three forms: web-based streaming (at $1.99 each); downloadable MP4 files (at $4.99 each); and a DVD box set.
Topics include acoustics, mics, consoles, control surfaces and computer DAWs. There's theory about EQ, dynamics, delays, reverb and an hour’s coverage of full-band tracking approaches and vocal recording techniques. Recording on location and at gigs is also included and there's a section on studio etiquette, session troubleshooting, and disaster management. Alan Parsons is very pre-iPad so expect lots of quotes form celebrities you've never heard of.
The good thing about Art & Science Of Sound Recording is that you get the whole story of sound recording and mixing, from the perspective of one guy. This helps to get a coherent picture.
Here's what SOS had to say.