This is the subwoofer of ESA’s Large European Acoustic Facility (LEAF), a test facility which subjects satellites to the same noise a launcher produces as it takes off. The ESA soundbwoys claim to have the most powerful sound system in Europe, they also claim their system can kill people at maximum output. Full of big chat we say..

The system has four big horns with low cut-off frequencies of 25, 35, 80 and 160 Hz and three high-frequency generators. The maximum overall level is 158 dB.
You might think that's impressive, but even animals can do better. The call of the blue whale reaches levels of up to 188 dB at around 10Hz, making it the loudest bass sound produced by a living being. Furthermore, as you can hear in the video, ESA's selector sucks.
Located in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, the system is in hearing distance of the Dubbhism Lab, but dem no worry we...