For example, the Roland MC-808 Groovebox, not your typical xenharmonic tool, can do 5/10/25-EDO, 8-EDO and 11-EDO with this function. In the manual, Roland calls this option pitch keyfollow.
Pitch slope is a different name for the same principle. Several KORG synths including the microKORG have it.
Here's how it works: you find a setting of the slope that produces a pure octave, spanning not 13, but - for example - 6 keys. Now you're playing in 5-EDO!
If your hardware synth doesn't have these scaling options, you can also check if it's possible to use a fine-tune option. But this method takes a lot more programming work, and only a fine-tune option for every individual key of the keyboard in a patch is flexibile enough.
A final tip for machines like the MC-808: these also have samplers on board, which means you can load timbres to match the tunings you like to play with. The easiest way to create tailor-made sounds for 5-EDO, 8-EDO etc. is to use the free FMTS2 by Xen-Arts.