
A Philosophy of Astrology #5 ~ The Numbers

Cosmic objects often arrange themselves in a plane. Our Solar System is relatively flat. Saturn's rings are flat too. Pluto and Damocles may have dramatic orbits, but most rocks prefer to dance around in a tightly choreographed disc-like formation. Aspects like conjunction and opposition contribute to the shaping of disc-like structures.


A Philosophy of Astrology #4 ~ The Subjectivity

The astrological realm is filled with signs, symbols and stories. Each (semiotic) sign points to a field of potential meanings. Interpretation of signs happens inside the heads of astrologers. They all think differently, and interpretation is a subjective business.


A Philosophy of Astrology #3 ~ The Coherence

For thousands of years, astrologers worked with the Sun, the Moon and the visible planets from Mercury to Saturn. A relatively small selection of stars, often the brighter ones, was also considered. Nowadays new asteroids, stars and black holes are discovered automatically on a daily basis. Some are relevant for astrology.


A Philosophy of Astrology #2 ~ The Web

If we take the astrological claim serious, we assume that reality as it appears to us and life as we know it are in some sense synchronized by symbolic processes, that somehow transcend the physis~psyche duality. Call it a web of meaning, or even astrological order.


A Philosophy of Astrology #1 ~ The Intro

Astrology is a deep, and also a controversial subject. Skeptics claim that it's based on delusions, superstition or 'magical thinking' while believers are hearing the voice of the Gods. Paradigm wars aside, let's take a look at some of the basics of the astrological mindset.